Thursday, June 6, 2013

WEDPREP Scholarship!


Give us your best DO or DON'T at a wedding and we will pick a winner for the scholarship!



  1. Do - Dance, dance, dance! It only takes a few good groovers out on the dance floor to really get the party started! Might as well be one of the first:)

    Don't - Get in the way of the photographer if you're a guest! As much as the couple will love to see the flood of instagram & FB photos of their beautiful nuptials, it's best to give the professionals their space. Chances are those photos will come out a little bit better!

    I SO wish I could make it to WedPrep. Any chance I can save the scholarship for the next go around? :) You ladies are my wedding planning idols! If I wasn't in a wedding that very same day in SD, I'd be there.

    Best of luck!

    - Katherine

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  3. Do - Make your wedding uniquely YOU by selecting a few non-negotiables. (IE Flashmob dance, doughnuts, and/or succulents).

    Don't - Don't be a control freak. Plan in advance and release control to those who you've delegated the responsibilities.

    Sounds like an amazing event. I, as a groom, can not passively prep for the wedding day. I'm committed to be engaged and provide insight.

  4. DO be prepared for any little thing that can go wrong and get creative with it! Planning ahead for circumstances out of your control will save the day when the time comes. Whether it's an emergency kit for the bride and her maids or the groom and his boys, or having a local contact for food in case the caterer runs out (this JUST happened at my sister's saved us!) - you can never be too prepared when handling the most important day of two people's lives!

    Also, breathing exercises and a little lavender oil will take you a long way!!

    So excited about this insanely talented group of people coming together!!!

